Supporting Parents to Lead Their Children to Discover the Greatest Treasure - Jesus Christ
Parents have the most influence in their children's lives. Our goal is to support them in their spiritual responsibility to shepherd & train their children in the word of God. We do this two ways: first, by teaching the word of God in the classroom, and second, to provide materials to help parents shepherd their children's hearts to be awakened to the joy of knowing Christ for themselves. |
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
Matthew 13:44 ESV |
Upcoming Children's Ministry Events:
This Month's Lessons:
2/2 - Jesus' Prayer
Matthew 6, Mark 1, Luke 11
Matthew 6, Mark 1, Luke 11
3 Year Olds Lesson Verse:
I will be glad and rejoice in your love. Psalm 31:7 |
4s & Kinder Lesson Verse:
Pray to God and he will hear you. Job 22:27 |
2/9 - Jesus Loves Children
Matthew 19, Mark 10
Matthew 19, Mark 10
3 Year Olds Lesson Verse:
I will be glad and rejoice in your love. Psalm 31:7 |
4s & Kinder Lesson Verse:
Jesus said, Let the little children come to me. Matthew 19:14 |
2/16 - Jesus Loves Zacchaeus
Luke 19
Luke 19
3 Year Olds Lesson Verse:
I will be glad and rejoice in your love. Psalm 31:7 |
4s & Kinder Lesson Verse:
You, Lord, are forgiving and good. Psalm 86:5 |
2/23 - The Poor Woman's Gift
Mark 12
Mark 12
3 Year Olds Lesson Verse:
I will be glad and rejoice in your love. Psalm 31:7 |
4s & Kinder Lesson Verse:
I love you, Lord Psalm 18:1 |
2/2 - Story #23
"Samson's Strength" Judges 13-16
"Samson's Strength" Judges 13-16
Big Truth
True strength is more about faith than muscles. |
Memory Verse
O Lord God, please . . . strengthen me. Judges 16:28 |
2/9 - Story #24
"The Girl Who Wouldn't Go Away" Ruth 1-4
"The Girl Who Wouldn't Go Away" Ruth 1-4
Memory Verse
Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer! Ruth 4:14 |
2/16 - Story #25
"The Lord's Word and Samuel" 1 Samuel 1, 3
"The Lord's Word and Samuel" 1 Samuel 1, 3
2/23 - Story #26
"The Rise and Fall of King Saul" 1 Samuel 8-15
"The Rise and Fall of King Saul" 1 Samuel 8-15
6:30 Wednesdays
3-year-olds - Kindergarten
1st & 2nd Grade -
3rd & 4th Grade
5th Grade