Sundays at 9:30 a.m. |
The Biggest Story is a 2 year through-the-Bible curriculum specifically designed to help children see the purpose in every moment of history since the beginning of time and how each one of them connects with God's plan to redeem the world through the sacrifice and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ. The main lesson is presented with a wonderfully engaging video lesson and is further reinforced with digging deeper into the Word during the lesson recap and discussion questions. Additionally, the curriculum contains suggestions for coordinating activities, games, crafts, and activity pages. Each week has a Big Truth derived from the lesson, a coordinating memory verse and provides a clear Gospel Connection.
Sundays at 11 a.m. |
Hyfi teaches 12 Biblical truths focused around countering issues to which children are exposed in today's society and guiding them into an understanding of who God is and who He says they are because of the Gospel. Each month has a unique theme that supports the Biblical truth being taught that month and each week's lesson is built around a main idea that focuses on one aspect of that month's Biblical truth. The Biblical content is solid and every week's lesson has a clear link to the Gospel.
Hyfi is focused on building relationships between children and volunteers in an effort to make all children feel welcome and that they are a part of the group. A fun atmosphere is created with media-driven lessons and songs reinforced with activities and games that support the main idea of the day. A theme verse allows for children to focus the entire month on memorizing a Bible verse.
During each week's lesson, elementary children experience a connection time, Big Group time where the classes gather together for the main lesson and singing and concludes with side-by-side learning with their teachers. Children are dropped off in their grade-level classroom and then are transitioned to the Family Life Center for the remainder of the time and for pickup. |
Wednesdays 6:30 pm |