Equip Class Videos
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Knowing the Heart of Christ (Gentle & Lowly) - To Be Offered January 2024This course is for normal Christians who struggle with sin, who feel like they are running on fumes, who at times feel like they are disappointing God, who question if God is fed up with them, and who want (and need) to know the very heart of Jesus Christ. In other words, this course is for all Christians.
Instructor: Pastor Steve Alde |
How to Experience the Life of Christ - Wednesday 6:30 PM, starting March 6This course will help believers to know the pleasure and joy of obeying the Lord Jesus' commandments. This Bible study will guide participants through some of Jesus' commands, with the ultimate end of glorifying God through obedience to His Son.
Instructor: Earl Smith |
Fundamentals of the Faith - Starting January 3, 2024
This is a 19-week Equip class that explores the essential fundamentals of our Christian faith. The study blends basic biblical truths with personal obedience and service to Christ. Topics range from "God: His Character and Attributes" to "The Church: Fellowship and Worship," This study is intended for those new to the faith and those mature in the faith, for as the apostle Peter said in 2 Peter 1:12, "I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you." This is an exceptional study that you will not want to miss.
Instructor: Pastor Steve Alde |