JOURNEY GROUPSThe local church exists to glorify God through worshiping Him, nurturing one another in the faith, and being a witness to the world of the reality of the gospel. The Bible informs us that when we become Christians we began a process of spiritual growth as disciples of the Lord Jesus. This transformative work of discipleship – the ongoing work of being conformed to the image of God the Son (also known as "sanctification," Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18) – takes place in the context of relationships in the local church. Our goal at Southview Baptist Church is that we would grow to worship Christ supremely, love and nurture one another genuinely, and witness effectively the reality of Jesus Christ and salvation through Him to this fallen world. Along with regular participation in our Sunday worship service, Journey Groups are an integral part in our strategy to make disciples of the Lord Jesus.
There are a number of Journey Groups to choose from, but essential to each is the word of God (the Bible). We believe the Bible is sufficient to reveal to us everything we need to know about God, His purpose and will, the way of salvation, and how we can trust Him and obey Him and glorify Him. In the security of a small group, we can learn how the Bible applies to our every day lives, build friendships, and encourage one another on our journey with the Lord Jesus. For information on participating with one of our small groups, please call our church office at 910.424.1298 or email us at [email protected]. EQUIP CLASSESEquip Classes are designed with two major goals in mind: