Our purpose is to nurture within one another an ever-increasing knowledge of and fulfillment in God that inspires us to reflect Christ and make disciples.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children. (Deuteronomy 6:5–7a, ESV) |
Welcome to KidsQuest at Southview!
KidsQuest is Southview Baptist Church's ministry to children and families. Our purpose is to support parents in their God-given responsibility... 1. to train their children to see life through the lens of Scripture 2. come to know the grace of God in Christ Jesus 3. to know Him as their ultimate treasure. At KidsQuest we share the God of Scripture so kids may Know Him, Know His Purpose, and Trust His Promises. We provide environments for kids to fall in love with God and want to be like Him...not just follow moral rules! Godly behavior and morals flow from a heart that loves God and knows that God loves them! What to Expect On your first visit, we will enter your family information for our child drop-off/pick-up security system. Please come to the preschool/nursery wing Welcome Desk where we will assist you with the registration process. After completing the process, a member of our Welcome Team will assist you in finding the classroom for each of your child(ren). If you have any questions or your child has special needs that you would like us to be aware of prior to your first visit please contact the church office. Safety & Check-in We believe, that while in our care, the safety of your child(ren) is/are of utmost importance and therefore we employ the use of the following practices and procedures. * All children are placed in classes appropriate to their age. * A security sticker is required for each child checked into any of our classrooms. The security stickers are assigned a random number each time a child is checked in for a service so security tags cannot be reused. In order to pick up your child, you must show the matching security tag. The security number can also be displayed on screens at the front of either side of the sanctuary should a parent need to be reached during service. * All volunteers are required to complete a thorough vetting process which includes a nationwide background check, interview, and calling of references. No teenagers or adults are allowed in any of our classroom environments without having completed this process at any time. |